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Basic Web Hosting Tutorials

By Stealth RDP
4 articles

How to Force HTTPS using .htaccess

What is an SSL and why do you need it? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. Companies and organizations need to add SSL certificates to their websites to secure online transactions and keep customer information private and secure After installing an SSL certificate, your website is available over HTTP and HTTPS. However, it’s better to use only the latter because it encrypts and secures your website’s data Forcing HTTPS on All Traffic 1: Go to File Manager in your hosting panel and open .htaccess inside the public_html folder. If you can’t locate it, make sure to create or unhide it 2: Scroll down to find RewriteEngine On and insert the following lines of code below it: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] 3: Save the changes Forcing HTTPS on a Specific Domain: Let’s say that you have two domains: http://yourdomain1.com and http://yourdomain2.com Both domains access the same website, but you only want the first one to be redirected to the HTTPS version. In this case, you need to use the following code: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yourdomain1.com [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] (Make sure to replace yourdomain1 with the actual domain you’re trying to force HTTPS on.) Forcing HTTPS on a Specific Folder: The .htaccess file can also be used to force HTTPS on specific folders. However, the file should be placed in the folder that will have the HTTPS connection RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^(folder1|folder2|folder3) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] Make sure to change the folder references to the actual directory names. After making the changes, clear your browser’s cache and try to connect to your site via HTTP. If everything was added correctly, the browser will redirect you to the HTTPS version.

Last updated on Dec 29, 2023

Why you should redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS

If you’re thinking about switching to the HTTPS protocol but aren’t exactly sure how it will affect your website, this article will guide you through the process. We will explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS in terms of security, performance, and search engine optimization (SEO) benefits Also, we’ll explore how the HTTP vs HTTPS protocols transport data via the internet and the significant role of SSL certificates. Aside from that, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each protocol to help you decide whether to make the switch. Differences Between HTTP vs HTTPS: HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the protocol that enables communication between different systems, transferring information and data over a network. On the other hand, HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. Although it functions similarly to HTTP, HTTPS works to protect communication between web servers and browsers when transporting data HTTPS secures connections with a digital security protocol that uses cryptographic keys to encrypt and validate data. The most common way for websites to use HTTPS and have a secure domain is by obtaining a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate. Keep in mind that although TLS is widely becoming the standard for HTTPS, most SSL certificates support both SSL/TLS protocols How HTTP Works: In practice, HTTP is an application layer protocol that web browsers and web servers use to communicate via the internet. When a web user wants to load or interact with a web page, their web browser sends an HTTP request to the origin server that hosts the website’s files. These requests are essentially lines of text that are sent via the internet. A connection is then established between the browser and server, after which the server processes the request and sends back an HTTP response. This makes web pages accessible to site visitors. ** HTTP vs HTTPS: Which One Is Better for My Site?** Technically, there is no correct answer It all depends on the type of site you run and the data you manage. For example, a simple portfolio website and an eCommerce site with membership features and digital payment systems have different security requirements. However, it doesn’t matter whether your site handles sensitive information – HTTPS is becoming the standard for all websites. Not only that, there are numerous benefits to having an SSL certificate enabled on your site. Consider the following factors when deciding between HTTP vs HTTPS Security Having strong security measures and providing a secure browsing experience on your website is crucial. A GlobalSign survey found that 77% of visitors have concerns about unauthorized parties misusing or intercepting user data. In regards to HTTP vs HTTPS, the latter outperforms in terms of security. A standard HTTP protocol does not encrypt connections. That means the lines of text in an HTTP request or response are visible to anyone monitoring the connection, including cybercriminals. Using a standard HTTP generally poses minimal issues if the text only contains general information, such as to load a public web page. However, if it contains sensitive data like usernames, passwords, or credit card details, using unencrypted HTTP can pose serious security risks. Since this information is visible to anyone, data breaches, hacks, and identity theft become serious concerns. Users can see if they are browsing HTTP sites by checking two elements. First, the icon before a website’s URL (Uniform Resource Locator) may show a ! symbol or say “Not secure.” The warning may also advise users not to enter sensitive or confidential information on the website. Second, the site’s URL will start with http:// ** HTTPS = HTTP + SSL:** To protect potentially sensitive information from being leaked, websites use SSL certificates to create a secure connection between web servers and browsers, protecting the transmission of HTTP requests and responses. The use of an SSL certificate is the key difference between HTTP and HTTPS. HTTPS encrypts the transport of data so it’s not visible to hackers or others monitoring the connection. This ensures data integrity and prevents information from being modified, corrupted, or stolen during transmission. SSL/TLS protocols also authenticate users to secure information and ensure it won’t be revealed to unauthorized users Users can easily check if a website uses SSL/TLS. First, a padlock icon should be visible on the left-hand side of a website’s URL, signifying that the connection is secure. Second, the website’s URL will start with https://. SEO Advantages: Not only does Google recommend that all websites use HTTPS for higher security, but it also rewards these sites with a minor ranking boost on the search engine results pages (SERPs). In fact, a study by Rank Ranger found that by 2018, 70% of Google’s first page results were sites that use HTTPS. Let’s consider this in practical terms. For example, a competitor’s site may be similar to yours in many aspects, such as content, speed, and backlinks. However, the competitor site uses HTTPS while you don’t. Add the fact that HTTPS sites receive higher browsing times, which is beneficial for SEO, and the winner is clear. Considering Google’s algorithm, your competitor will most likely rank higher than your site, which will lead them to receive higher traffic volumes and other SEO benefits. Speed and Performance: Another benefit of using HTTPS compared to HTTP is that websites will load relatively faster with it, especially if used with a server that supports HTTP/2. HTTP/2 supports HTTPS encryption and complements its security protocols. Among other functions, HTTP/2 reduces latency by having low resource consumption and maximizing bandwidth efficiency. This results in faster site speeds and smoother performance compared to using the standard HTTP protocol. HTTPS is also a better option when loading websites on mobile devices, especially when using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). AMP is a Google-made web component framework that, among other functions, creates a more streamlined user experience for mobile users by loading the website content much faster. A secure encrypted connection is required for a website’s AMP version to show up on search engines. Considering that by the end of 2019, 61% of Google search queries came from mobile devices, the performance benefits of using HTTPS outweigh HTTP

Last updated on Dec 29, 2023

10 Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Website for Speed

Why Having a Fast Website Is Crucial: The biggest issue with having a slow website is that your users will often lose patience and leave. This negatively affects your bounce rate, which reflects the number of visitors who click away after only seeing one page. Nearly half of users expect sites to load in two seconds or less, and 40% will leave a site if it hasn’t loaded within three seconds. In addition, a delay of just one second can lead to a 7% reduction in conversions What Causes Your Site to Slow Down? If your server is slow or experiences frequent downtimes, so will your site. We’ll discuss how hosts and plans affect your site in more detail soon, but it’s worth repeating that picking a quality host is a necessity. We also recommend that you consider robust hosting, which ensures that your site is fast, responsive, and reliable. How to Test Your Site’s Current Speed: We recommend that you give gtmetrix.com a try. This is a free speed-checking tool that can be incredibly useful. It also provides more in-depth metrics and even offers optimization suggestions based on your results. What are 10 Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Website for Speed? Lets Find out! 1 Choose a high quality server Picking the right VPS plan is one of the first and most important choices you’ll make for your website. Since your web host is where your site lives, it will do a lot to determine your site’s speed, performance, and how well it can cope with high traffic. 2 Always Keep Your Plugins, Themes, and WordPress Software Updated It’s essential not to ignore updates when they become available, whether they’re core updates for your WordPress installation or new versions of your WordPress theme or plugins. The most important reason for this is security as new updates will ensure that your site is safe against the latest threats. 3 Implement Caching to Reduce the Number of Requests Your Site Handles Caching may sound pretty technical, but it’s actually easy to implement on a WordPress site. There are several plugins you can use to do this. WP Super Cache is by far the most popular caching plugin; it’s both entirely free and very simple to configure. Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/ 4 Use Image Optimization to Make Your Media Files Smaller Image optimization is a process that compresses the size of an image file without noticeably affecting its quality. This is easy to implement, and you can even automate the process entirely. The first method you can use is to optimize your images before you even upload them to your site. We recommend TinyPNG because it’s free and very easy to use. Link: https://tinypng.com/ 5 Minify and Compress Your Website’s Files for a WordPress site, the best option is usually a plugin. You have plenty of options at your disposal, but one of our favorites is Fast Velocity Minify. This is a free, open-source, and very user-friendly tool Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/fast-velocity-minify/ 6 Use a Content Delivery Network to Deliver Your Site’s Large Files We recommend Stackpath (Paid) or Cloudflare (Free) 7 Only Use High-Quality Themes and Plugins Even WordPress themes can affect your site’s speed. Many themes may sell themselves as “optimized” or “fast loading” without being either. Some themes include unneeded functionality or require more files than usual to function, which can also cause your site’s performance to suffer. Choosing well-coded themes and high-quality plugins comes down to careful research. Make sure to check out user reviews and ratings, look at the developer’s update history, and make sure that each tool is tested to work with your version of WordPress. Adhering to these simple criteria will help ensure that you don’t install anything on your site that might slow it down 8 Delete Unused Themes and Plugins This a site maintenance task you should perform regularly. Even if a theme or plugin isn’t active on your site, it will still take up space on your server and cause unnecessary strain. Plus, keeping unnecessary content around can get confusing for administrators 9 Clean Up Your Media Library and Post Revisions (Delete unused files) We recommend that you use the Media Cleaner plugin Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/media-cleaner/ 10 Optimize Your Databases This task is technical and requires knowledge about databases. but There’s a plugin for almost anything, after all, and this task is no exception. Even if you’re a complete newbie, you can use the WP-DBManager plugin to manage your databases. This plugin will optimize, repair, and delete unused databases for you Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-dbmanager/

Last updated on Dec 29, 2023

7 Ways to Reduce Server Response Time

Learn how to reduce server response time by applying these seven actionable tips. Introduction: A visitor decides within the first few seconds if they are going to stay on your website or leave. If a page takes more than five seconds to load, the likelihood of a visitor leaving increases by 90%. Website owners must reduce server response times to ensure their websites load faster. Faster load times result in fewer abandonments and help websites rank better in Google search results. What Is Server Response Time? Server response time is the time that passes between a client requesting a page in a browser and a server responding to that request. It is measured by TTFB (Time to First Byte). TTFB is how many milliseconds it takes to receive the first byte of the page after sending an HTTP request. Why Is Server Response Time Important? The consequence of a slow website can be damaging to business. Your website’s loading time significantly affects user experience. Research reveals that over 40% of web users abandon a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Also, the more time it needs to load, the worse it ranks on the search engine result page (SERP). Response time influences: - User Experience (UX) - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Improving search engine optimization and user experience are critical strategies in digital marketing. This is a good enough reason to check your server response time and explore new ways to improve it. 1. Website Speed and SEO: Google announced that the loading speed of a page is a key ranking factor. The company even created PageSpeed Insights, a tool to enhance website performance. The metric is simple: the better the TTFB, the higher the ranking on Google. Loading Speed Impacts UX The reputation of a brand depends on the user experience their website provides. Slow-loading websites frustrate visitors, making them lose patience and navigate away. One poor response may even result in a visitor never returning to your website How to Improve Server Response Time: Use Reliable and Fast Web Hosting Data Center Location. Select a provider with data centers near your target audience to enhance server response time and speed Bandwidth and Throughput. Verify that the host has the necessary capacity to support your website’s data demands, especially for data-intensive platforms. Scalability. Commercial websites, for example, ecommerce stores, often experience traffic surges during holidays or due to trending products. The web host must be equipped to scale up server resources and guarantee uninterrupted service and speeds during peak times. Customer Support Services. Look for 24/7 technical support to promptly address and resolve technical issues and ensure optimal website performance. 2. Use a CDN: A Content Delivery Network (CDN) distributes website content across a global network of proxy servers. When a user visits a website, the CDN redirects their request to the nearest server in this network. Users receive cached HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, images, and videos from the closest server. The proximity reduces latency, the time it takes data to travel between the user and the server, and results in faster website loading times. 3. Optimize Databases: As databases grow over time, they become less efficient at storing and accessing data. To improve database performance, you need to remove unnecessary data, reduce the size of the database, and optimize its structure. The faster the database completes its operations, the faster the server responds to the website visitor's request. WordPress website owners can also use cPanel or phpMyAdmin to manage their database. However, you can also install WordPress database optimization plugins. These plugins are specifically created to enhance WordPress database performance and can help you streamline the following operations: Deleting unnecessary data such as post revisions and spam comments. Compacting and defragmenting database tables. Clearing out the trash folder. Automating database clean-ups. 4. File Compression: Websites are no longer a collection of static pages but a dynamic platform with multiple datatypes and integrated third-party functionalities and features. The size of files being delivered to users is increasing, consequently prolonging TTFB. 5. Monitor PHP Usage: PHP scripts that are part of multiple concurrent server processes can contribute to higher resource usage, potentially slowing down the server's ability to serve a page to a visitor. If you are running a PHP script, ensure it is not overtaxing vital CPU and memory resources. Avoid unnecessary database queries and implement caching strategies to reduce load times. Outdated PHP versions are a significant security risk. Some hosting companies do not automatically update PHP, so this process often needs to be done manually. You can check your PHP version using the command line or PHP code. If you have a WordPress website, verify the version using the PHP Compatibility Checker plugin. Upgrade to a newer PHP version through cPanel or by contacting your hosting provider. 6. Configure Caching: Caching database queries. Executing database queries is a resource-intensive task. Reduce the number of queries by storing results from frequent or repeated requests Web page caching. Save copies of fully rendered web pages in the cache. Servers can deliver these pages without additional processing Browser caching. Instruct browsers to store certain files locally on the user's device Pre-Caching. Analyze user behavior and anticipate subsequent requests. You can pre-load assets that are most likely to be needed for future interactions Object Caching. Cache the results of complex calculations and API call responses. Scripts do not need to process the same requests again or make additional API calls 7. Minify Scripts: Minification is the process of reducing the size of code files to enhance website performance. This is achieved by removing unnecessary characters, such as whitespaces, comments, and long variable names, without altering the code's functionality. In the context of a website, external files like JavaScript (JS) and CSS affect page load speeds. Minifying and compressing these scripts are standard practices, especially in CMS platforms like WordPress. To improve website loading speeds and overall user experience: Embed smaller code files directly within the HTML as internal code to decrease load times Keep larger and static files external to enhance caching efficiency This approach ensures large data files remain accessible without compromising performance.

Last updated on Jan 13, 2024