Home StealthRDP - KnowledgeBase How to Add rDNS on StealthRDP VPS: A Quick Guide

How to Add rDNS on StealthRDP VPS: A Quick Guide

Last updated on Mar 19, 2024

Adding Reverse DNS (rDNS) to your StealthRDP Virtual Private Server (VPS) is crucial for email deliverability and server reputation. Here's how to do it quickly:

  1. Access Control Panel: Log in to your StealthRDP VPS control panel.

  2. Navigate to Network Settings: Find and click on the "Network" section.

  3. Locate IPv4 Addresses: Scroll down to find your server's IPv4 addresses.

  4. Access Reverse DNS: Look for the "Reverse DNS" option next to your IP address.

  5. Enter Hostname: Input your desired hostname or rDNS hostname URL.

  6. Update Settings: Click "Update." If successful, you'll see a green success message.


  • Wait for Propagation: DNS changes may take up to 24 hours to propagate.

  • Keep Forward Records Consistent: Any changes to forward records should match your rDNS settings.

Once rDNS has successfully propagated, you may receive an email with the subject "Reverse DNS Update Complete." Follow these steps to quickly add rDNS to your StealthRDP VPS for improved server functionality and reliability.