Home Installing Web Panels Install Fast Panel in Linux (Web Hosting Free Panel)

Install Fast Panel in Linux (Web Hosting Free Panel)

Last updated on Dec 29, 2023


FASTPANEL is a simple and powerful server management panel that allows you to create sites in a few clicks, manage mail, databases, backups, plan tasks, and analyze traffic. Set and configure access rights as you like - each site can be assigned to a single user. To improve the security of your account, connect two-factor authentication.

More information can be found on an official web page: You will have to buy the free license from their website and enter your server IP address and it will be activated. https://fastpanel.direct/ Demo version can be tried here: https://fastpanel.direct/demo

Installation Requirements:
Please note that the panel can only be installed on a freshly installed operating system (only Debian 8, Debian 9, Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04 and CentOS 7 are supported). Installation on the configured server is impossible!

Step 1: Connect to your server via SSH using your root-password

Step 2. If wget utility is not installed on your server, execute the following commands in order to get it:

Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get update; apt-get install wget For CentOS: yum makecache; yum install wget

Step 3.

Initiate FASTPANEL® installation by running the following command:

wget http://repo.fastpanel.direct/install_fastpanel.sh -O - | bash -

Step 4.

After successful installation of FASTPANEL® you will get a message with the access data Similar to the example below:

Installation Done

Congratulations! FASTPANEL® successfully installed and available now for you at FASTPANEL uses 8888 port, so to connect to the control panel on your internet browser enter: https://ip_of_your_server:8888 On your first login, the Panel will ask you for a license. In order to get one, simply enter your email address. The license data will be sent to your email address. Log in details for the first attempt to log in are: Username: fastuser The password for the "fastuser" user matches the "root" user password of the server