User Responsibilities

Last updated on Dec 27, 2023

Account Security and Management:

As a user of StealthRDP's advanced Remote Desktop Protocols and Virtual Private Server solutions, safeguarding your account credentials is paramount. You are accountable for all activities conducted under your account. In the event of any unauthorized access, it’s crucial to notify StealthRDP immediately, ensuring the security of your digital resources.

Legal Compliance in Service Usage:

When engaging with StealthRDP's services, adherence to all relevant laws and regulations is mandatory. This encompasses, but is not limited to, strict compliance with copyright, data protection, and anti-abuse laws. By using our services, you commit to legal and ethical digital conduct.

Adhering to Acceptable Use Policies:

Our Acceptable Use Policy, detailed in the 'Use of Service' section, outlines the ethical standards expected of our users. Any deviation from these guidelines may result in the suspension or termination of your services.

Data Backup and Integrity: User Responsibility and Service Limitations

When utilizing StealthRDP's services, users must take proactive steps for regular data backups. In the event of hardware failure, StealthRDP's liability is confined to the scope of the services provided. We do not offer compensation for any indirect data loss resulting from such incidents. Please note, our servers are not designed for primary storage purposes. Additionally, users are solely responsible for safeguarding their data. StealthRDP shall not be liable for any loss or corruption of data. Ensuring regular backups is crucial for maintaining data integrity.

Purposeful and Lawful Service Utilization:

Utilize StealthRDP’s services for their intended lawful purposes. Illegal or unauthorized usage of our RDP and VPS services is strictly prohibited and will be addressed with immediate action.

Professional Communication Standards:

Respectful and professional interactions are the foundation of our community. Whether communicating with StealthRDP staff or other users, maintaining a courteous and respectful tone is crucial.

Prompt Reporting of Service Issues:

In the event of service-related issues or vulnerabilities, we rely on our users for timely reporting. This allows StealthRDP to implement quick and effective solutions, maintaining the high standard of our services.

Responsible Resource Usage:

Adhere to the fair usage policies regarding bandwidth and storage, as outlined in our 'Bandwidth Usage Policy'. Responsible resource usage ensures optimal service quality for all StealthRDP users.

Keeping Your Information Current:

Ensuring your contact information is up-to-date and responding promptly to StealthRDP’s notifications or inquiries is vital for seamless service and support.

By registering an account and using StealthRDP’s services, you acknowledge and agree to these responsibilities, forming an integral part of our commitment to offering secure, reliable, and compliant digital solutions.