Use Of Service

Last updated on Dec 27, 2023

Clients are encouraged to responsibly utilize StealthRDP’s array of services, including Remote Desktop Protocols (RDPs), Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and reliable web hosting solutions. These services are designed for lawful usage, aligning with our comprehensive Terms and Conditions. We emphasize the importance of deploying our services in a manner that respects their intended use and ensures a harmonious digital environment for all users.

Permitted Activities with StealthRDP’s Digital Solutions:

StealthRDP provides a versatile platform for conducting a broad spectrum of activities, catering to business, personal, and organizational needs. All activities should adhere to legal and ethical standards, fully respecting the boundaries set by our detailed terms.

Avoiding Prohibited Activities: Safe and Legal Usage of StealthRDP Services:

To maintain a high-quality, legal service environment, StealthRDP enforces a strict no-tolerance policy against activities such as:

  • Activities leading to Spamhaus listings.

  • Establishing phishing or fraudulent websites.

  • Engaging in financial crimes like credit card fraud.

  • Unauthorized network probing or port scanning.

  • Distributing malware or participating in cyber-attacks.

  • Involvement in illegal content distribution or harmful practices.

  • Operating malicious networks or software.

Consequences of Violations: Non-compliance with these terms can result in immediate suspension or termination of services, ensuring a secure digital space for all our users.

Responsive Abuse Notification System in Place at StealthRDP:

In response to abuse complaints, StealthRDP reserves the right to take decisive action, including service suspension or termination, based on the nature and evidence of the complaint.

DMCA Compliance and Policy in Different Jurisdictions:

Our policy towards DMCA-related abuses varies: leniency is applied within our EU service plans, while strict adherence to DMCA regulations is maintained for our USA service plans.

Fair and Monitored Bandwidth Usage: Ensuring Quality Service for All:

StealthRDP implements a fair usage policy to manage bandwidth effectively, ensuring optimal service quality. Excessive use of bandwidth, if it disrupts service quality, may lead to throttling or mandatory plan upgrades.

Adherence to StealthRDP’s Service Policies: Compliance with these guidelines is crucial for the continued use of StealthRDP’s services, fostering a secure and ethical digital service environment.

By leveraging StealthRDP's advanced digital solutions, you commit to these terms, contributing to a safe and efficient digital ecosystem.